Under Executive Order No. 408 and related issuances, the Department of Foreign Affairs allows nationals from eligible countries to enter the Philippines without a visa. 

To avail of this privilege, travelers must present the following documents at the Philippine border control:

  1. A passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended departure from the Philippines
  2. A return ticket to their home country or an onward ticket to their next destination 

Nationals from 157 countries may enter the Philippines without a visa for tourism or business, with stays of 59, 30, 14, or 7 days, depending on their nationality and the Philippines' bilateral agreements with their country.

To confirm eligibility and the allowed length of stay for your nationality, please refer to the complete list below.

Citizens of countries not included in the list will need to apply for a visa prior to travel.

If you are a Kuwaiti passport-holder and wish to travel to the Philippines for tourism/business, you are eligible for the visa-free privilege provided that your stay in the Philippines does not exceed thirty (30) days.

For further information on visas, please visit the Philippine Bureau of Immigration’s website or its Official Facebook Page.



  1. Nationals from the following countries are allowed to enter the Philippines without a visa for an initial stay of thirty (30) days:

  2. 1 Andorra 53 Ghana 105 Oman
    2 Angola 54 Greece 106 Palau
    3 Antigua and Barbuda 55 Grenada 107 Panama
    4 Argentina 56 Guatemala 108 Papua New Guinea
    5 Australia 57 Guinea 109 Paraguay
    6 Austria 58 Guinea Bissau 110 Peru
    7 Bahamas 59 Guyana 111 Poland
    8 Bahrain 60 Haiti 112 Portugal
    9 Barbados 61 Honduras 113 Qatar
    10 Belgium 62 Hungary 114 Republic of Korea
    11 Belize 63 Iceland 115 Romania
    12 Benin 64 Indonesia 116 Russia
    13 Bhutan 65 Ireland 117 Rwanda
    14 Bolivia 66 Israel* 118 Saint Kitts and Nevis
    15 Botswana 67 Italy 119 Saint Lucia
    16 Brazil* 68 Jamaica 120 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    17 Brunei Darussalam 69 Japan 121 Samoa
    18 Bulgaria 70 Kazakhstan 122 San Marino
    19 Burkina Faso 71 Kenya 123 Sao Tome and Principe
    20 Burundi 72 Kiribati 124 Saudi Arabia
    21 Cambodia 73 Kuwait 125 Senegal
    22 Cameroon 74 Kyrgyzstan 126 Seychelles
    23 Canada 75 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 127 Singapore
    24 Cape Verde 76 Latvia 128 Slovak Republic
    25 Central African Republic 77 Lesotho 129 Slovenia
    26 Chad 78 Liberia 130 Solomon Islands
    27 Chile 79 Liechtenstein 131 South Africa
    28 Colombia 80 Lithuania 132 Spain
    29 Comoros 81 Luxembourg 133 Suriname
    30 Congo 82 Madagascar 134 Swaziland
    31 Costa Rica 83 Malawi 135 Sweden
    32 Cote d’Ivoire 84 Malaysia 136 Switzerland
    33 Croatia 85 Maldives 137 Tajikistan
    34 Cyprus 86 Mali 138 Thailand
    35 Czech Republic 87 Malta 139 Togo
    36 Democratic Republic of the Congo 88 Marshall Islands 140 Trinidad and Tobago
    37 Denmark 89 Mauritania 141 Tunisia
    38 Djibouti 90 Mauritius 142 Turkey
    39 Dominica 91 Mexico 143 Turkmenistan
    40 Dominican Republic 92 Micronesia 144 Tuvalu
    41 Ecuador 93 Monaco 145 Uganda
    42 El Salvador 94 Mongolia 146 United Arab Emirates
    43 Equatorial Guinea 95 Morocco 147 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    44 Eritrea 96 Mozambique 148 United Republic of Tanzania
    45 Estonia 97 Myanmar 149 United States of America
    46 Ethiopia 98 Namibia 150 Uruguay
    47 Fiji 99 Nepal 151 Uzbekistan
    48 Finland 100 Netherlands 152 Vanuatu
    49 France 101 New Zealand 153 Vatican
    50 Gabon 102 Nicaragua 154 Venezuela
    51 Gambia 103 Niger 155 Vietnam
    52 Germany 104 Norway 156 Zambia
            157 Zimbabwe

  3. *Brazilian and Israeli nationals are allowed to enter the Philippines visa-free for a stay of fifty-nine (59) days based on existing agreements.

  4. Indian nationals may be granted a visa-free entry for an initial stay not exceeding fourteen (14) days under the Foreign Service Circular (FSC) No. 36-12, provided, that they possess:

    1. Valid or unexpired Japanese, Australian, Canadian, Schengen, Singapore, UK, or US visa or permanent residence permit;
    2. A national passport valid at least six (6) months beyond the contemplated stay;
    3. Return or onward ticket to the next country of destination;
    4. No derogatory record with the Bureau of Immigration, National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), and the International Police (Interpol).

    5. The 14-day visa-free entry may be extended by an additional seven (7) days for a maximum twenty-one (21) days.

  5. Under FSC No. 112-11, the following may enter the Philippines without a visa for an initial stay not exceeding seven (7) days provided that they possess a return or onward ticket:

      1. Holders of Hong Kong British passports; and
      2. Mainland Chinese for tourism with a valid or unexpired Australian, Japanese, Canadian, Schengen or US visa.

      3. The 7-day visa-free entry may be extended by an additional fourteen (14) days to complete a maximum twenty-one (21) days.
        Hong Kong SAR passport holders may enter the Philippines visa-free for an initial stay of fourteen (14) days.

  6. Under FSC No. 122-11, Macau SAR passport holders may enter the Philippines without a visa for an initial stay of fourteen (14) days, provided that they possess a return or onward ticket.

  7. Under Operations Order No. SBM-2015-018, MECO ETA holders may enter the Philippines visa-free for an initial stay of thirty (30) days.